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Official course reservation Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Pair Bucharest Romania 2024 by PHD Ruth Meyers

Official course reservation Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Pair Bucharest Romania 2024 by PHD Ruth Meyers
Precio del curso: 850 before march 3rd (Repetidores 475)


First time students =  950 EUR.
IMPORTANT. Early birds only pay 850 EUR before March 3rd 2024.

Repeat students = 475 EUR.

* reservation will be deducted from the total cost of the course.
* The total payment of the course must be made before the due date.
* Once you have made your reservation, you must complete your student registration which you will enter through the personal link that will arrive in the order confirmation email.
* The deadline to receive the cancellation of your reservation will be 30 working days before the start of the course, after this date we will not return the payment of reservations.
* Maximum one reservation per person, so reservations must be made separately.
When we confirm your reservation we will send you an e-mail with the bank details to complete the payment before the course.

Biomagnetic Pair Therapy Training

Biomagnetism also known as Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a therapeutic system developed by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran, MD based on his discovery of the Biomagnetic Pair (BMP) in 1988. It's a simple, non invasive, low cost and very effective therapy that utilizes magnets of opposite polarity by pairs, Negative and Positive to detect pH imbalances of Acidity and Alkalinity in specific areas of the body to fight and neutralize virus, bacteria, parasites and fungus, which are the main cause of most illnesses while also balancing Glandular Dysfunctions and clearing the body of heavy metals, pesticides, vaccines toxicity, and other toxic substances that accumulate over the years.
It's being considered by many Health Professionals the Medicine of the Future, and it's being practiced at  hospitals and clinics while recognized by mayor medical institutions and governments as part of their health care programs. It is now taught at several Universities worldwide. To learn more about Biomagnetism.

What is Medical Biomagnetism?
This medical model is the most valuable and effective of the modern era. It's a discovery made by the Mexican physician Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán® in 1988 after he comes to understand that diseases cannot live in a neutral environment.

• Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Pair® involve communication using body points to determine, through a binary indicator (extension-contraction) between therapist and patient, the biomagnetic region that is in a dysfunctional state and that has been invaded by elements pathogenic or dysfunctional.

• From this, irregular fields can be regulated by magnets to restore the balance both Biomagnetic (cell frequencies) and biochemical (PH - Potential for hydrogen, neurotransmitters, neuroregulators,
hormones and enzymes).

• The method assumes that the vast majority of diseases are caused by a micro infection, that is to say subclinical, or macro infection manifested by bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and in turn create or leave syndromes and

• The system consists of the recognition of altered anatomical points in its PH (potential of hydrogen). This recognition is carried out with passive magnets high power in GAUS (not electrified or connected to electronic machines)
applied to the patient's body as if it were a scan or biomagnetic scan

• Once the points corresponding to organs have been recognized and confirmed and tissues that undergo distortion, the therapist impacts the pairs of magnets of 10 to 15 min for each point and generally applied simultaneously.

• The disease is localized in the organ or tissue in imbalance between loads positive and negative (higher charge of positive ions or negative ions). Corrected this ionic alteration (leveling the PH of the affected organ), the problem disappears, since it returns to the initial equilibrium point NEL (normal energy level).

- Biomagnetism takes care of this, thanks to its force or energy of polarity; the negative charge is capable of impacting a similar pathological charge, which is annuls when encountering the positive charge.

- Viruses can live in acidic environments (ph. Between 0 -6.5)
- Bacteria can live in alkaline environments (ph. Between 7.5 and 14)

Neither these nor fungi, parasites or pathogenic microorganisms can live in PH 7, which is the neutral level, thus correcting disturbances and malfunctions.

All this theory was developed by Dr Isaac Goiz Duran® and the Biomagnetism Research Center Doctor in the city of Mexico and is endorsed and tested by his patients and studies carried out in the Autonomous University of Chapingo Mexico, University of Loja in Ecuador, Spanish Association of Medical Biomagnetism, Mexican College of Medical Biomagnetism as well as authorities of health of countries like Ecuador, Chile and Cuba.

About the instructor, Ruth Meyers, PhD.

Ruth Meyers, PhD Biomed Eng, FHEA, was a university lecturer for 28 years until fibromyalgia cut her career short and she took early retirement. A year later a friend introduced her to biomagnetic pairs therapy (BMPT) and she regained her health. In 2014 she trained in Spain, under Dr Isaac Goiz-Durán, for level 1 and 2, obtaining a postgraduate certificate in Biomagnetic Pair. During 2014 - 2015 she did additional practice sessions with Dr Cristóbal Ruiz Piña. Her research project was titled: “The Effectiveness of Biomagnetic Pairs Therapy on Clients with Fibromyalgia in the United Kingdom”. In 2018 she completed the Advanced Course with Dr David Goiz-Martínez.  Details of her current research involving BMPT can be found on her website: In early 2020 Dr Isaac Goiz-Durán certified her as an official Goiz instructor.


Course contents

1. Introduction to The Biomangetic Pair (BMP)

1.1. Definition of BMP
1.2. History of BMP
1.3. How BMP Works
1.4. General Characteristics of BMP

1.4.1. Technique
1.4.2 Therapeutic

1.5. Benefits of BMP

1.5.1. State of Energy
1.5.2. Immunity
1.5.3. How Organs and Tissues Work 1.5.4. Detoxification
1.5.5. Stress
1.5.6. Metabolic Activation
1.5.7. Blood Circulation
1.5.8. Symptomatology
1.5.9. Prevention
1.5.10. Treatment Complementarity 1.5.11. Rehabilitation
1.5.12. Risk Reduction
1.5.13. Costs Reduction

1.6. Contraindications for BMP

1.6.1. Absolute Contraindications Hemodynamic Instability

1.6.2. Relative Contraindications Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Pregnancy Pacemakers and Intra-corporeal Electronic Devices Expensive Fertility Treatments Fever in Children Under 5 years 

2. BMP Technique

2.1. Previous Preparation

2.1.1. Preparation of the Workplace Preparation of the Workspace Preparation of the Treatment Table Preparing the Magnets

2.1.2. Preparation of the Biomagnetist Physical and Mental Preparation Lifestyle Hygienic Measures Electronic Devices

2.1.3. Preparation of the Client Physical and Mental Preparation Hydration Footwear Practitioner’s Positioning around the Treatment Table Preparatory Therapeutic Phrases                

2.2. Kinesiological Test

2.2.1. Relaxation Techniques
2.2.2. Scanning Techniques Classical Scanning Technique Shortening Verification Technique

2.2.3. Types of Shortening Physiological Shortening Anatomical Shortening Mixed Shortening Shortenings

2.2.4. The Goiz Pair Pathophysiology of The Goiz Pair Classification of The Goiz Pair Correction of The Goiz Pair

2.3. Biomagnetism Scan

2.3.1. Positioning of the Magnet
2.3.2. Confirming the Positioning
2.3.3. Fastening the Magnet Using Tape Using other Magnets Other Methods

2.3.4. Sitting Up-right Scan Scanning Strategy Marking the Position

2.4. Impacting BMP’s

2.4.1. Positioning of the Magnet
2.4.2. Impacting Techniques Impaction using Neodymium Indications Contraindications Impacting with Inductor Magnets Indications Contraindications

2.4.3. Resonance List
2.4.4. Basic Impacting Protocols Fungi - Virus Relationship Parasite – Bacteria Relationship Screen Double or Triple Positioning  Inversion Rebound

2.5. Depolarization

2.5.1. Terminology of the Biomagnetic Pair Positioning Scanning Point Point of Impact Active Point Inactive Point Depolarization Overlap Transposition Repositioning

2.5.2. Verification Technique of Depolarization of Biomagnetic Pairs

2.6. Intake Form

2.6.1. Documenting Biomagnetic Pairs
2.6.2. Legal Terms

3. Anatomy of BMP

3.1. Types of Anatomy
3.2. Topographic Classification
3.3. Scanning List

3.3.1. Topographic Scanning
3.3.2. Dr. Isaac Goiz Scan

3.4. Scanning Points (1 - 160)

3.4.1. Definition of Anatomical Points
3.4.2. Positioning of Scanning Points

4. Theory of The BMP

4.1. Magnetism

4.1.1. Previous Definitions
4.1.2. Universal Law of Charges
4.1.3. Types of Magnets
4.1.4. Sciences Related to Magnetism

4.2. Eukaryotic Cell

4.2.1. Definition
4.2.2. Structural Composition
4.2.3. Types and Forms of Cells
4.2.4. Physiological Characteristics

4.3. Biomagnetic Pair Theory

4.3.1. Shortening Theory
4.3.2. Theory of Depolarization
4.3.3. Theory of the Genesis of the Biomagnetic Pairs
4.3.4. Definition of Biomagnetic Pair

4.4. Concepts Related to BMP

4.4.1. pH
4.4.2. Symbiosis
4.4.3. Entropy
4.4.4. Resonance
4.4.5. Reologism
4.4.6. NEN
4.4.7. Geomagnetic Influence
4.4.8. Fundamental Forces of Nature

4.5. Types of Biomagnetic Pairs

4.5.1. Regular Pairs Virus Bacteria Fungus Parasites

4.5.2. Special Pairs Dysfunctional Pairs Psycho-emotional Pairs Reservoirs Complex Pairs

4.5.3. Other Types of Pairs

5. Biomagnetic Pairs (1 - 210)

5.1. Relation
5.2. Statistics
5.3. General Characteristics
5.4. Recommendations
5.5 Basic Impacting Protocols

6. Complex Diseases

6.1. The Tumoral Phenomenon
6.2. Types of Scanning

6.2.1. Full Scan
6.2.2. Directed Scan

6.3. Other Diseases
6.4. Healing Crisis

Official course reservation Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Pair Bucharest Romania 2024 by PHD Ruth Meyers Official course reservation Biomagnetism and Biomagnetic Pair Bucharest Romania 2024 by PHD Ruth Meyers